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Data2save's New website online

Today, Data2save's management is happy to open data2save new website www.data2save.comafter weeks of preparation finally we can introduce our new look to the rest of the world. With our new website we like to set the standard for the rest of our software, we choose a clean and modern interface with fresh a colors schema. The website contain all information you need to make a good decision when you are looking for Enterprise Wide Software for Incident Management, Process Datasheets or any other corporate form you like to automate and make a part of your enterprise workflow. Our Agility line of software is a state of the art, based on the latest technologies, Smart client Enterprise wide application. The software is based on a client server ASP model, where we use smart client technologies to keep the foot print minimal.

For more information please visit our website or call 832-533-3136 or send an email to sales@data2save.com

October 15, 2007
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